Move over Elf on a Shelf. There's new technology in town keeping an eye on your kids during the holidays. The Elf Surveillance Santa Camera makes sure kids are good and stay on Santa's nice list but it has parents divided.

Some parents love the idea of the fake camera that has a red flashing LED light. Others think it's a horrible idea, asking how parents control good behavior the other 11 months of the year. “These are awful, it’s such an invasion of privacy and a lack of trust in our children. I want my children to behave because they know right from wrong and are respectful and kind, not because they think Santa’s watching and they want presents.”

What do you think about the fake Santa Cam? Would you use it to keep the kids in line, at least for the month of December or do you think it's a horrible idea?

You can get an Elf Surveillance Santa Cam on Amazon for $11.99.


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