Rome Rescue Mission In Need Of Donations For Easter
The Rome Rescue Mission will be holding its annual Easter Celebration on Easter Sunday. The Mission is in need of food items for the dinner celebration.
For their Easter celebration, they are currently in need of the following food items:
Hams, Baked beans, fresh potatoes, dinner rolls, fresh vegetables, coffee, creamer, sugar, milk, juice, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, everything for tossed salad, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, pies/desserts, snacks: dips, chips, cheese, crackers, nuts, candy, gallon-size freezer zip-lock bags.
Items can be donated Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm and Saturday-Sunday from 9am-2pm at 413 E. Dominick St, Rome. The celebration begins with a breakfast buffet from 9:30AM - 10:30AM and an egg hunt at 12:00PM, prayer service at 1PM, and dinner to follow at 2 P.M.