The backlash heats up over the Ray Rice video, that shows him hitting and knocking out his finace. After being let go by the Baltimore Ravens and suspended indefinitely from the NFL, Baltimore businesses are offering to put Rice jersey's to good use. Fans are being encouraged to dump their jerseys and help abuse victims at the same time.

What will the bar do with all those jerseys?

Baltimore's Hersh’s Pizza is offering Ravens fans a free pizza in exchange for the jersey they plan to use for toilet paper.


Both Hersh's Pizza and No Idea Tavern are also donating to the House of Ruth Maryland that helps battered women and leads the fight to end violence against women and children.

Smyth Jewelers is also donating to the cause to help victims of domestic abuse.

Dicks Sporting Goods have pulled all Rice jersey's from their stores according to ABC News.  They are also missing from Nike's and NFL's online sites.

A round of applause to all the businesses supporting any organization that helps battered women and children as well as the Ravens for letting Rice go.

I don't care who you are or what you do, it's NEVER okay to hit a woman! NEVER! Reap what you sow Rice.

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