Professional Baseball Players Conduct Kids Clinic At Baseball Hall of Fame
Several former baseball pros will be instructing kids on the fundamentals of the game at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. The annual Cooperstown Classic Clinic for kids aged 7 to 12 will be held this Friday at Doubleday Field in Cooperstown.
The clinic lasts from 4 to 7 p.m. and kids will receive two hours of on-field time with instructors; Steve Avery, Jim Eisenreich, Brian Holman, Eddie Taubensee, Dan Wheeler, Jack Wilson and Steve Woodard. Following the on field activity will be a one hour with the instructors that will include an autograph session. Participants should bring a glove and shoes, all other equipment will be furnished.
Plans will also include a special speech from Hall of Famer, Tom Glavine. Registration fr the clinic is free, but are on a first-come, first-served basism Contact the Baseball of Fame at 607-547-0397 to reserve a spot.
SOURCE: Baseball Hall of Fame