New York NOT the Most Miserable State in Winter
Okay maybe you already figured our winters here aren't the worst in the country, but where exactly did we fall on the list?
You may be surprised to find that New York didn't even make the Top 10. A new list from Thrillist ranks all 50 states based on how miserable their winters are. No surprise states like Alaska, Michigan, and Montana are among the top. But if New York didn't make the Top 10, it has to sit at the 11th spot, right?!
Well... no.
New York actually took the 20th spot according to Thrillist's ranking. And get this, Alaska didn't even take the number one spot. That went to Minnesota. Here's a look at their Top 10 Most Miserable States in the Winter:
10. Massachusetts
9. Montana
8. Idaho
7. Wisconsin
6. South Dakota
5. Maine
4. North Dakota
3. Alaska
2. Michigan
1. Minnesota
We're wondering if they based this list off of last winter. We were pretty lucky in New York last year with a pretty mild winter, but that's not always the case. Just look back at 2014 when areas of Buffalo got buried under more than 6 feet of snow!
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