Oneida and Madison Counties Open Vaccine Will Call List for 18 and Over
In an effort to use every COVID-19 vaccine Madison and Oneida Counties are creating a will call list for anyone 18 years of age or older. Here's how to get on the list.
The County Health Departments plan is to notify people on the will call list when they have an extra vaccine because someone was unable to keep an appointment or extra doses are available. Madison County Public Health Director Eric Faisst, says they'll contact those enrolled by phone or email.
We do not want to waste any doses. Now that there is more vaccine being allocated we want to make sure those in our community have the opportunity to get vaccinated.
The one caveat is you'll have to be available for an appointment the day your contacted.
Oneida County
In Oneida County, fill out the online form to join the waiting list. You'll receive an e-mail/text message notifying you of extra doses you can register for.
“The key to pushing through to the other side of this pandemic is to vaccinate as many people as possible," said Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente.
Madison County
To add your name to the waiting list in Madison County, complete this online form or call the Madison County COVID-19 Hotline at 315-366-2770. Three clinics are available for appointments:
- SUNY Morrisville campus at Hamilton Hall
- Parks and Recreation building in Chittenango
- Northside Shopping Center in Oneida
Anyone age 50 or older are eligible to receive a vaccine. Appointments are mandatory, no walk-ins are allowed.
The Health Department reminds everyone even after receiving a vaccination to follow the 3-W's, wear a cloth face covering, watch your social distancing, and wash your hands.
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LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.
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