List of Oneida County Businesses Violating COVID Restrictions
A list of businesses in Oneida County violating COVID restrictions has been released and it's a long one.
On Monday Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente said the county would release names of businesses, organizations and residents violating COVID-19 guidelines. Here's the list so far.
Pizza Boys, LLC - $1,500 fine for food workers not properly wearing masks (x4)
Hot Off the Brick Pizzeria and Deli - $500 fine for food workers not properly wearing masks (x2)
Franco’s Pizza (North Utica) - $2,000 fine for food workers nor properly wearing masks (x2)
Daniele’s at Valley View - $500 fine for non-essential gathering in excess of 50 people
Beijing House - $1,000 fine for food workers not wearing masks (x3)
Little Ceasar’s (Yorkville) - $500 fine for food workers not properly wearing mask (1)
Forestport Diner - $1,000 fine for food workers not properly wearing masks (x2)
Jak’s Bar and Grill - $1,500 fine for food workers not properly wearing masks (x2), patrons at the bar not seated 6 feet apart (reopening guidance)
In Process
Twin Ponds - non-essential gathering in excess of 50 people, (prior to governor's executive order increasing fine to $15,000), non-compliance with reopening guidance (x9)
Dibbles Inn - non-compliance with reopening guidance (x8)
New Sabatino’s Grocery and Deli - employees not wearing masks (x3), patrons not wearing masks (x4), no signage and distance markers pursuant to reopening guidance (x2)
Tony’s Pizza of Yorkville - food workers not properly wearing masks (x4)
Skenandoa Club - non-essential gathering in excess of 50 people
Dippin Donuts (Rome) - food workers not properly wearing masks (x3)
Dunkin Donuts (Oneida Square-Utica) - food workers not properly wearing masks (x3)
Marcy Tavern -r non-compliance with reopening guidance (x4)
Arbys (Utica) - food workers not wearing masks (x2)
Delta Hotel - non-essential gathering in excess of 50 people, patrons not wearing masks, employees not properly wearing masks, non-compliance with reopening guidelines (x2)
Oneida County COVID Numbers
264 new positive cases, 6,842 total.
5 are nursing home residents.
2,829 active positive cases.
2 new COVID-19-related death (both nursing home residents), 164 total.
105 patients are hospitalized in Oneida County.
85 at MVHS.
20 at Rome Memorial.
18 are nursing home residents.
14 patients are hospitalized out of county.
3,849 positive cases have been resolved.
316,014 total negative results.
322,856 total tests.
2,829 in mandatory isolation.
2,299 in mandatory quarantine.
Numbers are as of December 9th. You can get up to date information on business violation and COVID numbers at ocgov.net.
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