There are holidays that close everything, and they are usually ones that people look forward to because it means that they also become a three-day weekend.

When are these holidays? Are these the holidays that don't have mail delivery and you don't put your trash out?

When are the National or Federal holidays that happen every year?

Veteran Salutes the US Flag

The Federal Holidays that also include no mail delivery and the banks being closed are as follows, keep reading to find out if you need to put your trash cans out on these days too. Keep in mind that some of these days, have "Observed Days." For instance, if New Years Day lands on a Sunday, then the holiday would be on the Monday.

  • New Years Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr Day, (3rd Monday of January)
  • Presidents Day (3rd Monday of February)
  • Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
  • Juneteenth (3rd Monday in June)
  • Independence Day, July 4th
  • Labor Day, First Monday in September
  • Columbus Day, (2nd Monday in October)
  • Veteran's Day (November 11)
  • Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

READ MORE: Difference between National and Federal holiday

When do you put the trash cans out on the Federal holidays?

Candelight Vigil Held At Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ahead Of Rolling Thunder Weekend
Getty Images

Depending on the trash company, that truly comes down to whether or not you have to put the trash cans out on that day. Most trash companies will not pick up and then delay the trash pick-up by one day.

It is pretty safe to go with the following days as ones to not put the trash out, but always ask you trash carrier. New Years Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

See The Nine Fake Holidays That Were Created By Companies

Companies will try anything to sell more product including creating a holiday from thin air. Read on to see how each of these holidays were created.

LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century

Stacker compiled a list of toy crazes from the past 100 years. 

LOOK: The top holiday toys from the year you were born

With the holiday spirit in the air, it’s the perfect time to dive into the history of iconic holiday gifts. Using national toy archives and data curated by The Strong from 1920 to today, Stacker searched for products that caught hold of the public zeitgeist through novelty, innovation, kitsch, quirk, or simply great timing, and then rocketed to success.

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