Do April Showers Really Bring May Flowers in New York?
April has been an interesting month weather-wise. It seems every year April gives us unexpected weather, or it just seems that way to me.

This April (2023) has brought us some welcome weather with a full week of sunshine and summertime temperatures. I don't know about you, but I enjoyed it. With nicer weather, it's time to get outdoors and do spring planting for certain things.
And how about the saying "April Showers Bring May Flowers?" Where did that come from? According to an article in the Rochester First website, it originated from the United Kingdom, because the month is one of the most soggy of the year.
Well, this year, I've already witness some flowers blooming in my backyard, due to the fact that we've had unseasonably warm temperatures and sunshine for this part of the country.
But back to the saying, Rochester First answers the question with a 'Yes.' Even the Farmer's Almanac weights in on the question as well. Spring is certainly can be a rainy season, especially because of the jet stream.
According to the Farmer's Almanac, the jet stream moves from it's position in winter over Mexico to summer over the southern regions of Canada which brings storms throughout the United States.
Add abundant sunshine, and that heat will contribute to a better chance of precipitation. But here's a fun fact in the Farmer's Almanac article stating from NOAA weather, that April is not the the wettest month. It's actually June.
So all are in agreement. April showers bring May flowers. As if you didn't guess that already. Happy planting. Just try to keep dry.