Here’s How Utica Teachers Can Get Free Supplies For The Classroom
The Compassion Coalition has opened a store in downtown Utica where local teachers can get the help that's been missing from state funding.
According to WKTV, the store is called 'Equipped to Teach,' and offers Utica School District teachers the opportunity to stock up on things like notebooks, pencils, pens, binders and tissues.
The Compassion Coalition helps less fortunate residents with their warehouse that provides food and clothing to local agencies that help those in need.
Right now the "Equipped to Teach" store is only available to teachers in the Utica City School District, but if they can get more financial support they will serve more districts that have at least 70% of students in the free or reduced-price lunch program.
Hopefully this catches on and more districts are able to get on board, because right now it seems as though our local teachers are being forgotten by Albany.
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