Here are the Top 11 Legal Fireworks Purchases This Year in CNY
If you're looking for LEGAL fireworks this Fourth of July weekend for your back yard enjoyment, we have a list of one company's top sellers for the 2022 season finale'.
Speciale Fireworks of Utica is just one of the many local (and out-of-state) companies selling legal fireworks for this weekend's festivities.
"Sparkling Devices are ground based or handheld devices that produce a shower of colored sparks and or a colored flame, audible crackling or whistling noise and smoke. The law limits the type, size and construction of Sparkling Devices and requires that these devices must be hand held or mounted on a base or spike and be limited in sizes that range from 1 to 500 grams of pyrotechnic composition," according to state law.
There are many local outlets throughout the region selling fireworks, including many pop-up locations in store parking lots.
According to Speciale, here are the top sellers for the 2022 Fourth of July weekend.
11. Bees Knees
"This hive erupts with silver and gold crackling, along with color stars of blue, lemon, purple, red and green. The manufacturer describes this explosive as "an intense piece."
10. Blooming Glory
9. House of Fire
Don't try to Google "House of Fire" because all you'll get is stories about houses caught on fire by legal fireworks. House of Fire is intense for NY legal fireworks.
8. Made in the USA
This display is labeled "Made in the USA." Don't Google this one because, sadly, you won't get any results. It seems that all fireworks are made in China.
7. Pip Squeak
The 7th top seller for Speciale is called, "Pip Squeak." "It may be little but it packs a punch. Magnificent color with crackling flowers and whistles. This is a must have for your fountain section," according to Jake's Fireworks.
6. Pure Fantasy
This is another top seller in the fountain category.
5. Now we're into the top 5 sellers and this one is impressive. Psychedelic is "bright red, blue and green star with whistle, golden and silver chrysanthemum, blue torch, silvery rain and pine tree," according to TNT.
4. Totally Circus
This is a surprise because the small stature packs a real punch. Get ready for clown cars and trapeze professionals! Not really, but Totally Circus packs an entertaining punch. "
3. World's Strongest Fountain
If you're looking for an amazing fountain display, you'll want this one called, the World's Strongest Fountain. "
Red stars and silver crackling, blue stars and silver crackling chrysanthemum, green stars and white flower, silver flower and silver jumbo crackling flower," according to Prism Fireworks.
2. Time to Shine
Get ready for an awesome "legal" display! "Colorful fish, white fir flower with purple and lemon, silver crackling with purple and blue, ti chrysanthemum with red and green parts, golden silk chrysanthemum with blue and lemon, silver rain with blue," according to Prism Fireworks.

1. Spartan Scream
Spartan scream is a fan favorite in New Hartford (New Hartford Spartans). This one will work as your legal finale. "Super-loud screams plus a full spectrum of performances including silver fountain/pine needles/strobes/spring flowers/bright color pearls. Piercing titanium chrysanthemum finale," according to Winda Fireworks.
There you have the list of the Top 11 legal purchases for 2022. Enjoy, but be safe and keep out of reach of children. Follow the instructions and be sure not to blow off a digit or limb!
(Photos via Speciale Fireworks of Utica.) Visit Special here.
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