First Responder Friday Salutes Michael Delong
Each week we salute one of Central New York's First Responders. Those who come to our recuse no matter the weather, the time of day, or what is going on in their own life at the moment. Michael Delong is just such a person.
We've often said Central New York First Responders serve for a long time and in many cases in a wide variety of capacities. Michael Delong covers both of those bases. In fact, he probably owns a pretty big hat rack.
Michael has been serving with the Lake Delta Fire Department since 2010. Even there he serves in a dual role as a firefighter and paramedic. He's been in a similar position for nearly as long at AmCare Ambulance in Rome, responding to critical care needs from as back as 2012.

In addition to his life saving work, Michael has a commitment to protect too. Currently he serves as an officer in New York State Courts. The role has him working as security at the entrance, protecting judges and attorneys, and occasionally escorting prisoners. Previous to the position, Michael worked in the sheriff's office.
In addition to all of the civic duties, Michael has an even more important role as the father of two. When we asked his what he did in his spare time, he replied, "I don't have any." Thanks Michael for all you do, responding in emergencies and protecting us in what has to be some "not so ideal" situations.
Do you know a first responder that deserves to be recognized? Tell us about someone who should be honored in Central New York - a firefighter, police officer, EMT, forest ranger, paramedic, DEC officers, military, rescuers, front line workers, or any other person first on the scene.
Include their name, a picture and why they should be recognized during 'First Responder Friday." We'll honor one first responder every Friday and as a way to say thank you, we'll give them a Bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes.
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