What Are The Emergency Detour Signs All Over New Hartford And Utica
While driving on the arterial or 840 in New Hartford, have you ever noticed the Emergency Detour signs? They say Emergency Detour D, and Detour E. What do they even mean?
These signs have been on the roads since 2013. There are 38 total scattered between New Hartford and Utica. According to the Utica OD, these emergency detour signs will be used to direct traffic if emergencies arise during Phase 2 of the North-South Arterial project. These signs will remain in place after the project is completed, when it's completed hopefully next year.
During accidents, temporary electronic message boards will direct drivers to follow the signs for the routes called detours D and E.
So where are these routes actually directing you to go? The OD reports Detour D will direct northbound traffic to get off the arterial at Judd Road, then take Commercial Drive to Route 5A and then get back on the arterial. Detour E will be shorter and direct northbound traffic to get off at French Road. This route then will take cars to Burrstone Road, then Campion Road and finally Route 5A before returning them to the arterial. For southbound traffic, the routes will be reversed.
So don't freak out when you see these signs. It isn't a sign of war, FEEMA takeover, or any other crazy local conspiracy theory.