Dumb Upstate New York Hunters Get Instant Karma After Doing This
Sometimes it takes a reality check to realize just how badly you messed up.
It was a busy night for Ranger Steven Jackson thanks to a group of dumb hunters. He got a call in Rensselaer County about a group of people illegally target shooting in the Pittstown State Forest. Curious as to what was going on, Jackson headed in that direction.
When he got there, he found the hunters with targets set up in the trees. Since they were damaging the forest, Jackson issued tickets to each of the hunters. Then he was on his way.
Or so he thought...
Instant Karma
Just 10 minutes after the group of hunters left the Pittstown State Forest, they lost control of their truck on the slick ice and snow. Their truck slid off the road and into a steep drainage.
After struggling to get the truck out for THREE HOURS, the hunters called Ranger Jackson back in for help. Just like that, he was heading back to Pittstown.
The Ranger called in a tow truck, but ended up also being unsuccessful once it got there. Because of the road conditions and where the truck fell off the road, the tow truck couldn't pull the hunter's out.
Ranger Jackson stayed with the group until they were able to get someone to safely take them home. By 10:00pm, the hunters were gone and Jackson was finally leaving the state forest for the 2nd time.
The good news, no one was hurt in the accident and the truck was removed later in the week.
Sometimes a ticket is enough to make a person learn their lesson. But after a night like this one, I don't any of those hunters will step foot in the Pittstown State Forest ever again.