Coolest Carnival in Saranac Lake Goes Back to the 80s for 2022
The coolest carnival in Upstate New York is going back to the 80s for 2022.
The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival theme will be Totally 80s, chosen from the top 5 suggestions given this year:
Festival of Foolery
Lumber Jacks and Jills
Totally 80s
Wizards and Dragons
The Winter Carnival has taken place in Saranac Lake since 1897. It's be held February 3-14, 2022.
In order to break winter's chill and to promote outdoor sports and games, the Pontiac Club was formed in November 1896, and a few months later, they sponsored a one-day fancy dress winter carnival in 1897, which was expanded into the Pontiac Club Carnival in 1898.
The tradition wasn't always an annual event either. There were years in the 20s, 30s, and early 40s when it wasn't held. The carnival was resurrected in the winter of 1947-48 and has been held every year since. The Ice Palace disappeared for 35 years before making a comeback. It stopped being built in 1920 but returned by 1955.
The 10-day carnival, organized by a group of committee volunteers, features parades, fireworks, performances, sports, and lots of fun, including the carnival highlight - a fry pan toss. The event ends with the lighting of the Ice Palace and a fireworks display. A must-see every year.
Get all the details when they are released, including dates, daily schedules, parking information, and everything else you need to know about the 2022 Winter Carnival at Saranaclakewintercarnival.com or on Facebook.
Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Ice Palace Over the Years
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