CNY Santa Delivers $3,000 Worth of Toys to Kids Who Need it Most
A Central New York man who knows what's it's like to go without is giving back this holiday season.
28-year-old Keven Revette grew up extremely poor and understands having absolutely nothing. "No lunch money my senior year in high school. No money for picture day."
Christmas was a rough time of year for Revette and his family. "I remember a time during the holidays when my mother was in a shelter and they provided the gifts for us."
A decade later, Revette is living in Solvay, New York and is doing well for himself. This holiday season he wants to give back to those who helped him so many years ago. "I decided to do things a little different this year for Christmas."
Revette took $4,000 out of his bank account and went shopping. $3,000 was spent on toys. Lots and lots of toys. Jaime Streiff works at Target in Fairmount where Revette and his friends loaded up four carts full of toys. "This is the true reason for the season," said Streiff.
Revette plans to donate the bulk of the toys to the children's cancer center. "That has to be the saddest possible scenario during the holiday season," said Revette. The rest of the toys will be distributed to the Rescue Mission and the Vera House.
But Revette isn't done yet. "I decided to donate an additional $1,000 worth of food to the family's that are struggling and will go without a meal. "My father always told me if you can’t get anything out of the day at least eat a good meal."
Revette isn't asking for a single gift this year. Instead, he's asking everyone to follow his lead. Buy toys or food and donate it to those who need it most. "I have everything I ever wanted in my life, it’s time to give back. If I inspire one person or have one child crack a smile during tough times, it'll all be worth it."
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