Check Out These Spring/Summer Meteor Showers In The Adirondacks
There are various meteor showers coming up this spring and summer, and the Adirondacks in Upstate New York will be the best places to view them!
Here are some, happening within the next few months:
1) eta Aquariids – Active until May 28; Best time to view is right before dawn. Includes persistent trains – not many fireballs. View the falling stars from Rollins Pond State Campground in Saranac Lake.
2) alpha Capricornids – Active from July 3 to August 15; Peak night is July 29-30; Despite fewermeteors than other showers, they typically include bright fireballs. View the shower from the Brown Tract Pond Campground in Inlet.
3) Southern delta Aquariids – Active from July 12 to August 23; Peak night is July 29-30; Includes faint meteors. Experience the display in comfort – watch delta Aquariids from a luxury camp at Posh Primitive in Chestertown.
4) Perseids – Active from July 17 to August 26; Peak night is August 12-13; Typically, the most popular meteor shower seen from the Adirondacks as it can include as many as 50 to 75 shooting stars per hour during peak nights. For optimal viewing, look toward Perseus, the constellation Perseids is named after. Count the shooting stars from Elk Lake Lodge in North Hudson.
To maximize your viewing experience remember to put the phone away, and bring a light with a red filter so it’s easier on your eyes (if a light is needed to get to your observation spot). Also experts say use binoculars to get a closer view, and be sure to bring something comfortable and dry to sit on.
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