Central New Yorkers Write Letter to Mother Nature
It's the middle of April and it's still snowing in Central New York and we're sick of it! So we've decided to write Mother Nature and here's what central New Yorkers have to say...
Dear Mother Nature,
You've taken this April Fools joke too far!
We know Father Time got lost and wouldn't stop for directions.
So we're sending you a calendar with the first day of Spring circled since you seem to have forgotten when it starts.
You are stronger than you think. Put on your big girl panties and just break up with winter already.
We're not in Alaska. Here in New York, we like the change of seasons.
Be the better person and let winter go. We need to say goodbye to our high heating bills and hello to sunshine.
Bring on the black flies and the mosquitoes.
My Winter clothes are all worn out and my socks have holes in them.
Please refill your prescription, your bipolar is showing. We'll even help pay for your meds.
Eat a Snickers. You get a little hostile when you're hungry.
In the words of Miranda Lambert, hide your crazy and start acting like a lady.
I know this break up with Winter is difficult girl, but let it go.....let it go....
Central New Yorkers