Central New York Under Excessive Heat Warning Until 10 Tonight
Central New York under Excessive Heat Warning until 10 tonight. We've all seen heat advisories but has there ever been a heat warning? And "excessive" at that. Here's what we can expect.
The Excessive Heat warning is in effect for the following counties: Northern and Southern Oneida, Onondaga, Madison, Yates, Seneca and Southern Cayuga.
HEAT INDEX VALUES... Peak values from 100 to around 108 this
TIMING... A heat wave will continue today. A slight break in the
heat on Tuesday is expected with a return to very warm and humid
weather on Wednesday and Thursday.
IMPACTS...The heat and humidity will be dangerous to those in
poor health, the young, elderly and those who exert themselves
outdoors for an extended time.
As always drinking plenty of fluids and stay indoors as much as possible. And check on older relatives and neighbors. Reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening and wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing.
The CDC says there are 3 things to watch for; heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps.
Heat stroke is a medical emergency call 9-1-1 immediately.
What to watch for:
- Body temperature of 103 or higher
- Hot, red skin (could be dry or damp)
- Fast Pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea
- Confusion
What to do:
- Call 9-1-1
- Move person to cool place
- Use cool cloths to reduce temp
- DO NOT give them anything to drink
Heat Exhaustion seek medical help if it lasts more than 1 hour.
What to watch for:
- Heavy sweating
- Cold, clammy skin
- Fast weak pulse
- Nausea, vomiting
- Headache, dizziness, muscle cramps
What to do:
- Move to cool place, loosen clothes
- Move person to cool place
- Use cool cloths to reduce temp
- Sip Water
Heat Cramps seek medical help if it lasts more than 1 hour.
What to watch for:
- Heavy sweating
- Muscle pain or Spasms
What to do:
- Stop activity and move to cool place
- Drink water or sports drink
The best advice is to avoid outdoor activity, especially through the peak heat indexes. If not possible, take frequent breaks in the shade or air-conditioned place and drink water frequently. You can learn more about heat-related illnesses at the CDC's website.