Central New York Devils Wake Up Family with Chainsaws and More
We asked who wanted to see Brantley Gilbert's 'Devil Don't Sleep' tour at Lakeview Amphitheater. To win tickets, you had to be a little devilish and wake someone up. And there's a lot of devils in central New York.
People used chainsaws, weedwackers, a straw up the nose and even rumble strips to wake up their unsuspecting victims. Some awoke madder than others, but they'll be happy once they learn they'll be off to see Brantley Gilbert.
Congrats to our winners and thanks to everyone who was a little devil, waking someone up. Watch the best wakeups in the video above.
Dustin Chapney
Jenna Hayward
Paige Ward
Delaney Nolan
Ben Kehrli
Amanda Parise
Waking people up wasn't as mean as telling kids their Halloween candy was gone was it? Depends on who you ask.