Breakfast Club in Syracuse Generously Gives Diner Staff $1,400 Tip
A breakfast club in Syracuse is leaving something a little extra for Central New York servers this Christmas.
The Breakfast Club Syracuse was started when Bud Loura decided to organize some of his friends to get together for breakfast and make a difference in the lives of a stranger. 16 people gathered for breakfast at The Market Diner in Syracuse, New York. Each one had $100 and after the bill was paid, the rest went to the servers for a tip. "We were able to give them $1,400," the Breakfast Club said.
Before the Market Diner, the Breakfast Club helped out the servers at Mimi's Drive-in in Fulton, the first to receive large tips.
The group is hoping to keep the tradition alive, not just during the Christmas season. They want to continue helping local servers every month and they're hoping others will join them. "We are going to a different restaurant each month with as many people as we can get, each with $100, and giving the difference of our bill to make a difference in the lives of local servers around Central New York."
You can learn more about it and sign up to join at