What the flock? Birds are being banned from fairs in New York State.

The New York State Department of Agriculture issued an order prohibiting all live fowl shows and exhibitions in New York State this year to help prevent the spread of the avian flu that has hit 17 states so far.

“Avian influenza is a very serious threat to all poultry and breeds of fowl and is continuing to spread in the United States," Department of Agriculture Commissioner Richard Ball said. "By banning fowl shows and exhibitions in New York until further notice, we are taking a commonsense step to limit the co-mingling of birds to slow the spread of this disease in New York State and help keep our birds safe. Our poultry industry is a significant part of New York’s agricultural industry and steps like these are our best line of defense against the disease.”

Several other states have joined New York, banning poultry exhibitions including Arkansas, Iowa, and Georgia.

The ban will remain in effect until further notice.

Avian Flu in New York

Four flocks have tested positive for the avian flu so far in New York. It's also been detected in wild birds, including snow geese and wild ducks across the State.

There is no immediate public helath concern, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. No human cases have been detected in the United States.


To report sick birds, unexplained high number of deaths, or sudden drop in egg production, contact the Department’s Division of Animal Industry at (518) 457-3502 or the USDA at (866) 536-7593.

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