5 Reasons Boonville New York Is Truly Amazing
Boonville New York is a wonderful place to live, work, and play. Recently, an article talking about Boonville Indiana being unsafe after dark was misled to believe it was talking about Boonville New York. Not only was that article wrong to do that, it left out amazing reasons to choose Boonville as your home or to visit.
1) Boonville Is The Snow Capital Of Central New York
If you love to play in the snow, it's a no brainer to travel to Boonville during the winter. The Weather Channel has even honored Boonville with the number 2 slot of the Snowiest Cities in America. To celebrate the snow, Boonville honors the white treasure with the annual Boonville Snow Festival which takes place at the end of January.
2) Boonville Honors Lumberjacks From Around The Globe
Each and every year Boonville hosts the New York State Woodsmen's Field Days. These Field Days have evolved into one of the predominant lumberjack contests in the United States today. Contestants come from as far away as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to compete in the lumberjack festivities, which are held the third weekend in August.
3) Boonville Has Some Of The Best Fireworks
Every town and city in America hosts 4th of July firework displays. However, no one does them like Boonville. Just recently a drone captured some of the best firework photos you have ever seen. The display is worth the drive on the 4th of July.
4) Boonville New York Is Home To Cool Paranormal Experiences
The Hulbert House was built in 1812 in Boonville, NY. Since it was built, Hulbert House has been active as an inn, and was at one time one of the most well-known places to stay in the region. Hulbert House is also well-known for guests of another type, the spirits of those connected with the site while living. Paranormal activity that has been observed includes a man who is referred to as ‘Wayne’. He appears as a large man in a Civil War uniform. Children have been heard playing upstairs in the hotel area, and the image of a small girl was captured in a photograph taken during a paranormal investigation.
5) Boonville Is Home To Wine Ice Cream
People love wine. People love ice cream. Mix the two together, you have a match made in Heaven. Our friends from Mercer’s Ice Cream of Boonville New York are getting national attention for their wine ice cream. To order any of these flavors, or if you have any questions give them a call 1-866-MERCERS (637-2377).