2019 Will Be A Busy Year In Space
If you love meteor showers, eclipses and man-made space travel, you're going to really enjoy 2019. Here's a few highlights to look forward to.
We'll see a Giant Super Blood Moon later in January when the moon will be eclipsed at the same time it's at it's closest to Earth, but there are several other noteworthy events happening in the first couple months of 2019 according to IFLScience.com.
January 3-4: The Quadrantids meteor shower peaks
In 2019, bright moonlight won't get in the way of this annual meteor shower. The event starts to peak around 9 p.m. EST on January 3 and lasts through dawn the next day. The Quadrantids can produce 50 to 100 meteors per hour — but you need to find a dark night sky to see more than a meteor per minute.
January 20 - 21: The Giant Super Blood Moon
Learn more about the Super Blood Moon here.
May 6-7: The Eta Aquarids meteor shower peaks
The Eta Aquarids are an "above-average" meteor shower than can produce one meteor per minute under a dark sky. The meteors are caused by bits and pieces of Halley's Comet that Earth drifts through.
What sky event are you most interested to see?
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