1 Thing New York Says You Shouldn’t Do While Walking On Trails This Spring
It's warming up and that means it's time to hit the trails. When you are preparing for your stroll, the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation has a recommendation for you.
Be Your Inner Child
Don't be afraid to get a little mud on your boots or pants. They advise you to be smart about what you wear, just know ahead of time it will be a little bit muddy, it is mud season after all since the ground has been thawing and the snow is melting.
They used the phrase "April Showers Bring May Mud". It is inevitable, but the easiest way to combat it is to walk right through it.
You Heard That Right
They provide a good reason to not try to avoid the muddy area though. If you try to avoid the puddles or the muddy patches, you could be damaging the greenery and wildlife that inhabit the area.
Those trails are already carved out from years of people walking or riding on them. If you try to go to the side, which might seem natural, you could unintentionally damage some of the forest vegetation that is trying to thrive.
On top of that, you just end up widening the trail.
SO remember, don't dress to impress, dress for the situation and that situation is the mud.
The DEC advises you to wear waterproof footwear and just trudge on through.
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