burger king

Burger King’s Chicken Fries are BACK Today!
Burger King’s Chicken Fries are BACK Today!
Burger King’s Chicken Fries are BACK Today!
For years, I've been curious as to the return of the infamous Chicken Fries from Burger King. They disappeared off of the fast food market for years, and they were my absolute favorite. But that changed today!
Burger King Bacon Sundae Taste Test [VIDEO]
Burger King Bacon Sundae Taste Test [VIDEO]
Burger King Bacon Sundae Taste Test [VIDEO]
A bacon sundae?  Burger King is serving the new treat starting tomorrow, so we thought we'd give it a try.  It doesn't sound very appetizing does it?  Most agreed on our Facebook page, when we asked if they'd give it a try.  I'll admit I was a little skeptical too.  But believe it or not, it was very good.  The combination of the sweet hot fudge and the salty bacon is divine.  It's also very fatte