May 31, 2014 8:00 am - June 1, 2014 5:00 am
Proctor Park
Culver Ave, Utica, 13501 United States
315-792-4748 ext 133

Additional Information

The 2014 Redeemer Cup–Utica’s fourth annual international soccer tournament– will be held May 30th to June 1st at Proctor Park on Culver Avenue in Utica. Get more details at

Every four years, the world comes together around soccer as some of the planet’s greatest athletes compete in the World Cup. But with our diverse population, we have the world right here in the Mohawk Valley! That is why we are excited to announce the 2014 Redeemer Cup–Utica’s fourth annual international soccer tournament–May 30th to June 1st at Proctor Park on Culver Avenue in Utica, New York.

All the players of the 16 teams are local residents, but they have come from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. We all know that our people from many nations now call the Mohawk Valley home, but how often do we have a chance to really meet each other? We know that many of the competitors and their families and friends have left their homes under extremely adverse conditions and have come to the United States for a second chance at life. We want to celebrate their stories of redemption.

Be sure not to miss the colorful opening ceremony on Saturday at 10:00AM. Then stick around, sample the food, cheer on your team, and enjoy the 2014 Redeemer Cup.