oneida county sheriff

Oneida County Sheriff Wants "No Empty Chairs" at Graduation
Oneida County Sheriff Wants "No Empty Chairs" at Graduation
Oneida County Sheriff Wants "No Empty Chairs" at Graduation
One of the leading causes of death for young people in high school and college is fatal driving related accidents. The causes of these accidents vary, but the Oneida County Sheriff's Office and other local law enforcement agencies are working together to make sure accidents like this never happen.
Farming Side of the Sheriff
Farming Side of the Sheriff
Farming Side of the Sheriff
For the past 27 years Sheriff Rob Maciol has been working in law enforcement. During that time one of his true passions always remained and that's a love of farming. What started as helping his uncle with farm chores quickly grew into something bigger. Now he and his wife decided to make the move from their long-time home in New York Mills to their new homestead in Holland Patent. Sheriff Rob can

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