Why CNY Farmer Says This Fall 'Was The Best Ever'Why CNY Farmer Says This Fall 'Was The Best Ever'We all know unpredictable or unseasonable weather can wreak havoc on crops. But, sometimes unexpected weather it's a good thing, says on CNY farmer.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
What Does a Star on a New York Barn Mean? It’s not Just for DecorationWhat Does a Star on a New York Barn Mean? It’s not Just for DecorationIf you've ever driven backroads throughout New York state, you may have noticed that many barns don beautifully large stars. Not only are they pretty to look at, but there are also reasons behind the stars.ChrissyChrissy
NYS Thruway Searching For Local Farmers To Sell Freshly Grown ProductsNYS Thruway Searching For Local Farmers To Sell Freshly Grown ProductsNew York State farmers wanted to promote their locally made and grown fare at NYS Thruway service areas. Cindy McMullenCindy McMullen