Casey James went to great lengths to pull an April Fool's Day joke on his fans. The "Fall Apart" singer posted a video with his "new haircut" — a shaved head — on Twitter, but as suspected, it was an elaborate prank!
Say goodbye to Casey James' long, curly locks. He not only cut his hair, HE SHAVED IT ALL OFF! It's no April Fools Day prank. Don't believe me? Just watch.
Thursday (April 4) is going to be one heck of a country music-filled night on 'American Idol.' Not only is Season 4 winner Carrie Underwood taking the stage to debut her new single 'See You Again' for the 'Idol' faithful, but former contestant Casey James will be on hand for the live premiere of his new song 'The Good Life' during the very same episode.
Fans present at the Casey James concert at the Grizzly Rose in Denver, Colo. last weekend were treated to a healthy dose of new material from the 'Cryin' on a Suitcase' newcomer.
Casey James is a pretty good dude. The singer spent the month of November growing out his facial hair in support of No Shave November -- a competition that doubles as a St. Jude Children's Hospital fundraiser. But now that it's December, his gruff beard finally had to go.
Casey James enjoys performing with his mother, who is no stranger to the stage. She goes by the name Bybee D James and released a CD in 2006 called 'Cross That Line.' Casey recently flew her to see a show in Georgia and at the end of his set, surprised her with a spontaneous invitation to join him...
Casey James remains steadfast in his No Shave November commitment. This month, he's been forgoing any his usual facial hair grooming habits in support of Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs from the donated hair for cancer patients who have lost their hair following intensive chemotherapy. The country newcomer admits that the goodwill effort is one that hits particularly close to home.
In his new 'Crying on a Suitcase' music video Casey James makes his acting debut, and he admits he was nervous about it. One would never guess as much after watching the finished treatment for the clip, however, as James plays the part like he smiles or plays his guitar -- naturally.