Money Available For Some New York Farms Damaged by July Flood
Good things come to those that wait. That's the case with some emergency funding that just became available for those impacted by the torrential rains that occurred July 1 and 2 in Central New York.
Donna Purdy with the Madison County Farm Service Agency says that Madison County is approved to accept applications for the Emergency Conservation Program to address damages from excessive rain and flooding beginning July 1, 2017 and ending July 2, 2017.
The office will start accepting applications Monday, October 23. The deadline to apply is November 24. The financial help is meant to restore agriculture land to pre-disaster conditions. This includes
removing debris, grading, shaping, and re-leveling, restoring permanent fence and restoring conservation structures.
Purdy added that some extenuating circumstances could cover livestock safety and health concerns. If approved, funding could cover up to 75% of the cost for restoration.
The real sticking point could be getting approval before the work is done. If flooding was severe enough you may have already started repairs. Call the the Madison County FSA office 315-824-9076 for more information. Other flooding assistance is available in other New York counties as well. The FSA website has contact information for every county in the state.