The bed bugs may be biting in Western and Central New York, after make Orkin's annual list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Cities, again.

Buffalo is at #18, moving up two spots from last year.

Syracuse jumps SIX spots on the list, coming in at #40. New York City is the highest on the list, sitting in the same spot as 2015 AT #4.

Topping the list this year is Baltimore, jumping nine spots, followed by Washington D.C. and Chicago.

Bed bugs are a growing issue in the U.S. “They were virtually unheard of in the U.S. 10 years ago,” says Orkin Entomologist and Director of Technical Services Ron Harrison, Ph.D. "Anyone can get bed bugs in their home. They are not a sign of uncleanliness. Bed bugs only need blood to survive."

It's hard to detect bed bugs. They are the size of an apple seed and can hide in mattress seams, behind headboards and in cracks around the bed. “People may have bed bugs and not know it,” Harrison says. “That’s why it’s important for people everywhere to inspect for bed bugs regularly.”


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