
Did I Shave My Legs For This
Did I Shave My Legs For This
Did I Shave My Legs For This
Over time, for whatever reason, society has put standards on certain things for both men and women. Expectations differ from country to country, but here in America it has been decided that women MUST shave certain body parts in order to be considered "attractive." Is it really true that a woman can't find a reliable companion because she refuses to shave?
Interested In Joining The Dollar Shave Club? [VIDEO]
Interested In Joining The Dollar Shave Club? [VIDEO]
Interested In Joining The Dollar Shave Club? [VIDEO]
As a frequent shaver, nothing drives me crazier than having to spend an arm and a leg on fresh razors. Men and Women for years have had to deal with overpriced razors. Even the cheap, one blade, knick your skin with every stroke disposable razors have gone up in price. It is no doubt a growing problem. As the hair keeps a sproutin' we all have to keep a shavin'.