cell phone

Keeping A Landline
Keeping A Landline
Keeping A Landline
It seems as if cell phones have always been with us but they haven't. I don't remember exactly when cells started to become omnipresent but today almost everyone has one. Where does that leave the venerable land line, you know, the phone hooked up to the wall? Believe it or not there are still some good reasons to have one.
What Happens When A Woman Forgets Her Cell Phone [VIDEO]
What Happens When A Woman Forgets Her Cell Phone [VIDEO]
What Happens When A Woman Forgets Her Cell Phone [VIDEO]
It has happened to all of us. We leave the house without our cell phone and miss that important call, can't take that great picture or are left at sea when all of our friends are sharing the most important texts ever. Actress Charlene DeGuzman has produced a hilarious video of the disaster that is, "I forgot my phone".
Drivers On Cell Phones Slow Down Traffic
Drivers On Cell Phones Slow Down Traffic
Drivers On Cell Phones Slow Down Traffic
When I'm driving, I don't use my cell phone, but many of you do (legally, of course with a hands-free device). And it's not just your imagination that the car ahead of you is moving slower when the driver is using a cell phone...it is!
You Are What You Ring
You Are What You Ring
You Are What You Ring
We've all been here and there when someone's cell phone rings, and I am sure you've heard some pretty weird rings on those phones. We all have our favorites, but as for me, I just use one of the ring tones already in the phone (I really don't want to go searching and downloading, too much work).
Using Your Cell Phone To Ignore People
Using Your Cell Phone To Ignore People
Using Your Cell Phone To Ignore People
Have you ever been in this situation--you see someone you really, really don't want to have a conversation with. So, you think, "What can I do to avoid talking?" You continue to think, "I want it to look as inconspicuous as possible and not too rude. Hmmmm....what can I do? Oh, yeah, my cell phone!"  A new survey finds people have faked using their cell phone to "avoid int
Cellphones And Dates Not So Perfect Combination
Cellphones And Dates Not So Perfect Combination
Cellphones And Dates Not So Perfect Combination
Yes, it's National Cellphone Courtesy Month (click the link to read more about it) and that means people should be more self-aware of their cellphone usage, right? What do you think about people who use their cellphones while on a date? That's not very good cellphone etiquette. But, it does happen according to the dating website Zoosk. A survey conducted by the dating website shows 33 percent of p
July Dedicated To Cellphone Courtesy
July Dedicated To Cellphone Courtesy
July Dedicated To Cellphone Courtesy
Picture this: You're out a restaurant, or at the park, or maybe you are riding a train and you are just minding your own business and you hear a cellphone ring. Someone answers it, but they aren't using their "inside voices" while they carry on the conversation. And, you are forced to hear a conversation you care nothing about. Well, for those loud cellphone talkers, July is National Cel