It wasn't like a concert with thousands of people disappointed, but it was a family holiday and Polly wasn't going to miss it. We made the two and half hour drive to Mom and Pop Wogg's home for Canadian Thanksgiving when shortly after arrival things changed.

After arriving and the usual hugs and handshakes, I retired to the travelling man cave to finish up some work. About two hours later I returned above ground and found Polly enjoying a glass of wine with her family. I've seen her imbibe a glass or two before, but she was acting like she had had a bottle or two.

Seeing how I was the only one who hadn't been drinking, I was voted most likely to drive for the family tradition of getting a Greko's Pizza on the eve of a holiday weekend.  Polly got sick twice, ever try to find a place to discreetly get sick in the middle of a business district?

I give her credit for fighting her way through it, returning with the pizza while acting like nothing happened.  She even managed to make it a couple of laps around the hot tub before calling it a night.  Upon waking in the morning, she had a full blown case of something.  If you call it the flu, the doctor always says "who diagnosed it?"  So it was a case of; chills, fever, coughing and hacking.

There's never a good time to get sick, but it would be hard to find a worse time that at the family get together.  Polly finally consented and we packed up and came home to the Sleep Number bed.  At least crossing the border was a breeze in the middle of the night.

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