We've already taken on Utica, New Hartford, and other Central New York cities - Now we're on to Herkimer. If Herkimer were a movie, what movie would it be?

If you don't know the drill yet, we've been taking villages, towns, and cities around Central New York and making movie titles more 'fitting' for those areas. So far we have already had our fun with:

Now, we have decided to give it a try with Herkimer. We have changed popular movie titles to make the represent Herkimer in a better way. These are our Top 10 favorites...

1 - Pirates of the Mohawk River - The Curse of the Lil' Diamond

2 - Herkimer Blood Diamond

3 - The Fat Cat's Wife

4 - The General and I

5 - The Herkimer Magicians Artist

6 - Gangs of The Valley

7 - Starsky and Herk

8 - Little Nicholas

9 - The Chronicles of Herkimer: The Walmart, the College, and Main Street

10 - The Phantom of the Courthouse


If the Village of Herkimer were a movie, what would you call it? Leave your suggestions in the 'comments section' at the bottom of this page, or you can always leave a comment or message on our Lite 987 Facebook Page.



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