These are dangerous times for man and beast near bodies of water. While we've had a taste of winter weather, it's not been nearly cold enough to freeze ponds, rivers, or lakes. But as one deer can attest it's been cold enough to make it appear covered.

A thin layer of ice has formed on many bodies of water in rural areas, followed by some light snow on top making it appear safe to cross. And it could be how one deer became trapped on a rock in the middle of a pond in the Town of Jewett.

New York Department of Environmental Conservation officer Anthony Glorioso was called to the scene and watched the animal attempt swimming back to shore, but it was unable to make it thru the ice and went back to the rock. The officer and a nearby resident used a rowboat to break a path to the deer.

As you would expect as they approached the deer, it returned to the water. The two men were able to use a catch pole to capture the animal hold it while getting the boat back to shore. Once released, the deer quickly ran off into the woods.

The DEC reminds everyone hiking near bodies of water to be careful.

  • Ice is forming on ponds, bays of lakes, slow-moving streams, and backwaters.
    No ice is safe at this time.
    Snow on the surface doesn't make it thick enough to hold the weight of a person.
    Ice will be unsafe until temperatures fall below freezing for a significant continuous period.


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