U.S. Olympic speed skater Shani Davis is boycotting the Opening Ceremonies at the  2018 Winter Olympics.  He doesn't like the way the  U.S. Olympic Committee chose the person who would be carrying the U.S. flag. Of course as we all know in Central New York, Remsen's Erin Hamlin was given the honor. Here's why he's upset.

The USOC let's the athletes determine the person who will carry the flag into the stadium by vote. Athletes are divided into 8 groups by sport and when the tallies were counted, Erin Hamlin and Davis each received 4. In a predetermined rule set by the committee's bylaw in the event of tie, the winner will be determined by a coin flip.

Davis called it dishonorable and in a tweet used the #Black History Month suggesting race had something to do with the decision. Many are up in arms over his tweet replying with #sore loser while others support Davis. So is he a sore loser or do you think he has a point?

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