Only Ellen could get away with something like this.  She had Keith Urban on her show and they recorded a commercial for his new cologne Phoenix, sort of.  Phoenix is hot and so is Keith Urban, so  Ellen did her best to cool him down.  There was even some licking involved.  Man I wish was Ellen!  Keith even admitted Ellen was probably 'the only woman who could get away with something like that with his wife'.  Check out the video and try not to laugh too hard.

You could star in a commercial for his new cologne too.  He's holding a contest for the best ad and he'll even pick the best ad himself to air on national TV in December.  The winner will also get to see Keith in concert next year and a Phoenix gift pack, of course.  I don't think you'll get to lick him in your commercial though.  Only Ellen and his wife Nicole Kidman get to do that.

You can also order Phoenix on Keith's website.

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