Just when you start enjoying your gardening work, here come the Aphids. Thank goodness, here comes the Master Gardeners at Cornell Cooperative Extension with ways to get rid of these plant killing insects.

There are over 200 varieties of Aphids and there's not a plant they don't like. While they don't kill the plants, they suck juices from the stem and spread disease and viruses that can kill plants. Look for twisted or curled leaves or stems, discoloration, galls, or stunted growth. On close inspection, you can see them clustered together, most are black or brown, but they can be green, red, orange, or even pink.

Females will give birth to several generations, with the last generation of the season laying eggs on various plants before winter. These eggs will overwinter and the insects hatch in spring and they begin their plant attack early in the season.

The simplest way to get rid of them is a jet of water from the hose; once they fall off the plant, they can't survive. Snip off any infected leaves or stems and dispose of them. You can also use horticultural oil sprays which are safe to use around people and pets. Be sure to spray the tops and undersides of leaves. Always read the oil spray label to be sure the plant you want to spray is listed; some plants are sensitive to oil-based products.

Get more information on Aphids and other insects at CCE's website or call the Horticulture Hot Line Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 12:00pm at 315-736-3394.

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